Category Archives: Canada (Passing Through)

Quick Index to the Trip

Quick Index to The Trip Posts

It has occurred to me several times in the past that this whole trip narrative would be easier to read if it were in forward order, and maybe it’d be nice to make it easier to see what happened on a different day before reading it.  So I’ve come up with this set of graphic links.  Click on the day you are interested in and you should go right there. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223

My Trip to Europe. Day 1. Saturday, October 4. Colorado Springs to London.

For the next 23 days I’ll be blogging in delayed real time about the trip I took to Europe last month.

What, you might ask, is “delayed real time?”  Basically it means I blog it four weeks after it actually happened.

Here’s the general itinerary:

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